Tag Archives: travel

Travel Plans Ahoy Me Maties

Wowzers, I can hardly believe it myself, but the time is almost here, 3 months to go before I jet off to a whole new Country! USA, California, I’m a comin’! My mind is completely open to entirely new experiences, and I can’t contain my excitement for much longer… I might very well burst into stardust!!

The word Procrastination rings loud and clear when I speak of the things I want to try, the person I want to be, the places I want to see, and so on & on. For a long time this has been the way I’ve rolled, and I’ve come to realise over the past few years, that life’s simply too short to continue on that path.

I’m not saying that I am a lazy couch potato. I do have plenty of things that I have accomplished, and lots to be proud of, but I have so many ideas constantly swimming back & forth throughout my mind, and it would make me extremely chuffed to put more of these ideas into ACTION.

One of those constant thoughts I have is of travelling far and wide to see as much as I can of this wonderful world of ours, while I can. Well, now I can happily confirm that my trip is booked, the plans are set, and the only way is up up and away!!

Tickets booked & paid for, collected today!! First overseas trip!! USA!! EEEP excited!!!

Next on the list is to get my Passport, tie up a few loose ends, complete my itinerary, and from there on it’s all systems GO!!!

I’ve posted a link for the trip I’ll be going on below, for those of you that may be interested, and I’d love to hear your California travel stories & tips. I’m always open to and appreciative of new ideas.


Until next time friends, I best go and keep planning…

Keep it real,

Little Pea.

Dreamers Be Happy

I am a Dreamer.

At this present moment, I feel as though I’m back in a place where I’m happy, and that’s mainly because I’m consciously doing the things that make me feel alive. For a while there, I was living by the way of how I thought I should be, but lately I’ve been nourishing my soul by living the way that I want.

I’ve recently been continuing on with the set up of my Art Studio & have now began the set up of my Sewing Station, I’m studying Creative Writing, working on my small business plan, and I’m planning my first overseas trip- EEP exciting!! I’m slipping into a new phase of my life, and rolling with wherever it’s taking me… more focus on the simple things in life, which at the end of the day, is all you need.

Here is the first photo taken of my Art Studio, stay tuned for more…


…and continue to dream!! X

Keep it real,

Little Pea.