Category Archives: Uncategorized


Long time, no speak! Oh how I’ve missed writing…

It’s been over a year since my last post, and I’m not the type to quit! The past year has been a busy one, and I’m all the more wiser, I thought it may be time to re-set my blog.

It’s the middle of Winter here in Geelong, Australia – so far it’s a great one! I’m planning my 2nd overseas trip, to South America, in October, with 6 of my girlfriends. Mega exciting stuff!!! I’m getting the house clean and organised. I’ve been cutting out the bad, and replacing with the good. I’ve been dating, an amazing guy, still early days, so I won’t jinx myself by spilling all of the goss on here… I’ve been cooking and eating well. Work is steady, although could do with some improvement. I’m currently doing a 30 day challenge, to try to form a new morning routine, so that I can start & end the day earlier, and less stressful. I’m doing a 3 month Health & Fitness challenge too, which started July, so I’m feeling great by the time of the trip. I’ve managed to keep contact with family and friends as much as possible. I’m slowly working on my business idea, but main focus is SA trip at the moment, so once I’m back I can begin work on A Pondering Pea project.

Homemade vege soup
Homemade vege soup
Minding the Nephews
Minding the Nephews
Quality time spent with my boys
Quality time spent with my boys
Me & my Nan
Me & my Nan

Life is lovely right now. Don’t get me wrong though, although I may appear super hippy happy at times, I have definitely had some shocking, scary & bad moments over the year, but life’s too short to dwell on the things I can’t control, and the past is one of those things. So, I’m striving to be more present, each and every day. When I fall, I just bounce back up again. That’s what us humans are good at.

Long story short, that’s what I’ve been doing lately, and where I’m at right now. I’d like to fill in what the past year has entailed, also my first overseas experience, as that was a once in a lifetime trip! Loved every minute. Can’t believe it’s almost been a year already. This upcoming trip I’ll be more on top of keeping a journal each day, taking better pics, and staying in contact with those I meet along the way.

Until next time, to those who are still following me or are just joining in on the fun, thanks for your support, I truly appreciate it.

Keep it real,

Little Pea.

The Adventurer

It amazes me, what a little bit of adventure can do for the soul.

Whether it be adventuring to a new place, or into the depths of your self, or a new idea- it’s always a good way to get the ol’ heart kick started.


I’m not the most ‘wild’ of adventurers, maybe more when I was younger, and before I broke so many hearts and bones, but since planning my overseas trip, I am excited about the idea of trying completely new things, more than excited, completely beside myself!

I’m looking forward to exploring a totally new Country, meeting new people, experiencing new foods, delving into the local culture, gazing at amazing landmarks, getting amongst nature, and waking early and heading to bed exhausted from all of the life loving! And much, much more of course- as much as I can fit in…


I’ve surprised myself at how much I’ve planned and achieved in such a short time, and I’m willing anyone who has ever thought of taking a leap, in whatever way you need, that the time is now.

Even if it’s just a plan written down on a piece of paper, make a commitment to yourself to chase that life dream. All I can say is, this is where happiness lies. Don’t just live your life, live in it.


I’ve already began thinking of my next adventure! I feel like something has woken up inside of me, and it’s the perfect time to take control and hold onto that confident and strong feeling.

I’m pondering now on maybe a couple more overseas trips (for now), then maybe a Home Ownership venture, a Small Business Plan, hopefully in amongst there somewhere- meet a man to share these adventures with… these ideas and many more, are what makes me feel alive, bright eyed and bushy tailed.

My Dream Home...
My Dream Home…

As I challenge myself to try those things that may scare me, each time I tackle one obstacle, I become stronger & wiser, and more confident and willing to try even more.

‘Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway’ is my new motto!

All the while though, as I’m off frolicking on these adventures, I do hold close to my heart, my Family and Friends- as without the love of them, none of this would mean as much as it does. Who would I share it with?!

A big thank you to the past adventurers, that paved the way for us!

Keep it real (and keep adventuring),

Little Pea.

Refresh the Mind, Body, and Soul

We all need it every now and then, a moment to press the stop button, re-evaluate our position, and pay attention to, what I believe to be the most important- the Mind, Body, & Soul. I’m in a place where I’m not unhealthy, but I would love to be a whole lot more fit. I have just under 3 months until I fly overseas, and I want to feel & look 100% when I get there.

So, I’m putting a challenge to myself for the next month, and then onwards from then, I’m going to follow the plans & routine that I’ve made for myself.

I’ve started with a big brain storm Vision Board! I love an inspiring colourful Vision Board…


One thing that has motivated me to get going this year so far is the Lorna Jane Clarkson philosophy- Move Nourish Believe. She also has a website with fun to read Monday Motivator tips, exercises, healthy recipes, pictures and articles to pep me up when I’m feeling a bit low. And to be a total groupie, I have her first book & diary. Yep, girl crush! I strongly recommend you check her out. I plan to buy her second book to take with me on my trip, that will be a good tool for motivation whilst I’m away, not that I think I’ll need it, too much to see & do! My lady’s link is below:


Also as part of my new health kick, I’m trying new things- a new restaurant and cook a new meal each week, a hike at new local walking path, putting myself back into the universe and into the dating world… for now I need to stick to a strict budget so I’m thinking of more simple things, but after my trip I’d like to try something like trapeze, or paddle boarding, continue opening my mind & soul up to new experiences.

Last week I cooked a roast dinner for a couple of friends & their baby girl, it felt so nice to share a home cooked meal together, in the comfort of my warm home. We’ve decided to take turns weekly cooking for each other, I love that idea… I can practice my new meal répétiteur! I’ve gotten out the cookbook’s already to collect some ideas…


This week I’ve been researching overseas accommodation, eating healthy, exercising, and getting a little creative- so I feel like I’m on the right track so far.

For now my friends, I’m going to read and then slumber, as my nourishment towards my Mind, Body, and Soul…

Keep it real,

Little Pea.

P.S. Sorry about the grainy pics, I’ve left my good camera at a friends place, more inspiring pics coming soon!