~About the Little Pea that is me…

A creative soul in need of some sort of expression. One day it may be drawing, then the next it may be a business idea to jot down in my journal, the next a home interior design concept, and so on & on… my mind is constantly thinking of creating & designing, and I need to start putting these ideas into practice.

Writing is one constant in my life, no matter where I’ve been, or am presently, I have always maintained to keep a journal, scrapbooks, notes etc, to keep my creative mind in check. I’m also a lover of stories, history, personal experiences, travel, photography, art… I love anything that captures a moment in time.

My other loves are my Family & Friends, my Dog, nature, music, movies, gourmet foods, and I shall fill the rest in later…

As I’m just beginning my blogging experience, and currently studying Creative Writing from the comfort of my own home, I’d be grateful for any constructive criticism from professional writers.

Keep it real,

Little Pea.


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